At Zambia Sugar Plc Safety remains a key area of focus with the goal of achieving β€œzero harm to employees and contractors”. The Company is focused on ensuring that every person goes home in the same condition they came to work in.

All employees have express authority awarded by the Country Managing Director to decline any work that is observed to be unsafe. This means that before any work is executed a thorough risk assessment should be conducted.Β  In addition, employees, contractors and visitors are encouraged to point out any unsafe acts or conditions at all of our operations as well as reporting any near misses.

Safety performance continued to be favourable as seen in the the Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) balanced scorecard. While there was a reduction in the number of Lost Time Injuries (LTIs), medical treatment cases increased, resulting in an increase in the total injury frequency rate.

The Company will continue to focus on improving the safety performance by placing greater emphasis on and strengthening contractor safety management, coaching and 4 Steps to Safety. The Company continues to place the slogan, β€œSafety, My Responsibility, Our Way of Life”, at the heart of any operation throughout the organisation.

The Company’s Safety Programme will continue to enhance safety awareness by including refresher courses for leaders on the fundamentals of SHERQ through the Illovo Safe Academy.
