As the AfriSAFE 2024 Award Presentation and Dinner got underway, we’re delighted to announce that our Managing Director, Mr. Oswald Magwenzi, opened proceedings with an insightful presentation on safety measures we have implemented to make our workplace safer.
Speaking during the glitzy Awards Presentation at Avani Hotel in Livingstone, Friday evening, Mr. Magwenzi revealed that: “As Zambia Sugar, we put our money where our mouth is when it comes to safety at the workplace. In this regard, we are pleased to inform our stakeholders that we have spent £3.7 million in the current Year-to-Date (YTD) to ensure we maintain the highest health and safety standards at our Nakambala Estate.
“We would like to continue to implore other stakeholders gathered here to invest in improving health and safety standards to ensure work productivity remains high, while keeping Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) and fatalities down.”
This year’s Congress & Awards ceremony is being held under the theme: Collaborating beyond borders for a Safe and Sustainable Africa.
AfriSAFE2024 #SafetyFirst #ZambiaSugar #Livingstone